This weekend I went to two rather large events. First, on Friday evening, I went to a divorce party. The divorce party was not really my cup of tea[bag]. I think it is a little weird to be celebrating the destruction of something that was once held in high regard to the couple- but whatever. I attempted to have a good time, I put my ‘smiley’ face on and made small talk with trophy wives that I had nothing in common with. Ok I had a terrible time; I was bored out of my mind. But, I wanted to be there for my girlfriend (the divorcée) and show her that I cared enough to drive 20 minutes in the rain and risk getting my hair wet. There was a lot of free liquor and I can never pass up shots of Patron. In addition to the fantastic free bar there were a handful of very attractive eligible bachelors. Sadly, they were all corporate ‘suits’ who were conservative, native Texans, and non passport holders. Again, not my cup of tea[bag].
I did not get moist once.
Best thing about that party was antagonizing the ‘suits’.
On Saturday night, I had the pleasure of going to see the Toadies at the Dallas Palladium. I love the Toadies and have seen them quite a few times. They put on an awesome show! I did not drink my usual shots of tequila; I was introduced to Absolut Vanilla Vodka which is surprisingly smooth and just as effective as my precious tequila. I had many shots, I don’t recall how many, but it was enough to get me really drunk. I was a good happy drunk and enjoyed the show from about 30 feet from the stage.
I do try to fit in with my peers- most of which are trophy wives who have given up their careers to fulfill some suburban fantasy. But, I don’t really fit in with them. Some of my girlfriend’s husbands really enjoy my company more than my girlfriends’ do, only because they say that I am ‘like one of the guys’. Yeah, I am that girl, the ‘one of the guys’ girl and I don’t think I will ever change.
Nothing would thrill me less than to have a typical SAHM/trophy wife life. I need to work for pay outside the house. Can’t accrue human capital folding laundry now can we?
I need adventure. I need to be active, humanitarian, and go a little bat shit crazy.
But, I am that girl, not that ‘trophy’ wife candidate.
It is not my fault that I have a love for sports. My father wanted a boy and he got me so naturally he had to expose me to every sport under the sun. I love Boxing and football; some might even say that I am a football fanatic. Those people who say that may have seen me cry a few times when Romo Choked during a PLAY OFF GAME!!! I am over it now.
It is not my fault that I love punk rock, hard rock, alternative, and metal. I grew up in
I like a lot of things some might consider quirky but WHUT EVAR! The things I like, the things I like to do, music I listen to, choice of Manic panic hair color do not constitute my entire being.
And btw